This Week in Crazy: Anti-Freeze Flavored Vinegar Kills 11 People in China

Cat Food China Nooooo!

De Cat Kicked da Bucket

The latest out of China is that 11 people died after consuming vinegar that was contaminated with anti-freeze. Can you beat that? Apparently,  some dip-shit, I’m sorry, I mean mentally-challenged restauranteur decided it would be just fine to store their vinegar in two anti-freeze barrels.  What numb-scull, sorry, lame-brain looked at two empty barrels of anti-freeze and said, “Why, by Golly, there’s a fabulous place to store my vinegar“?

The Courier Mail Australia reports:

VINEGAR contaminated with anti-freeze was suspected of causing the deaths of 11 people who ate an evening feast during the ongoing Ramadan holiday in a Muslim area of China, state media reported today.

Vinegar stored in two plastic barrels that had previously contained anti-freeze was thought to be the cause of mass poisoning after about 150 people ate together on Friday evening in a remote village in Pishan county in the western region of Xinjiang, local police said.

Investigations were continuing and toxicity tests had still not confirmed the source of the poisoning, the official Xinhua news agency quoted a police statement as saying.

The statement said about 120 people were poisoned with one person still in critical condition by Monday.

A six-year-old was among the 11 who died, the agency said.

The villagers began to experience vomiting and convulsions soon after eating Friday, the local government said in a statement yesterday.

This latest food fiasco is the third such story in less than a month about Chinese-tainted-you-name-it. Let’s see, there was  the apple juice contaminated with arsenic (good ol’ fashioned Mott’s apple juice included). Who could forget the counterfeit honey which was not really honey at all, contaminated with massive doses of antibiotics and heavy metals (Hey, I want some of that in my tea!). It never ends.

As I’ve said before and I’ll say it again, whatever you do, don’t buy any commercial pet food with vitamins and minerals from China, please. Most pet food manufacturers use what are known as vitamin “pre-mixes” from China (El Cheapo), and who knows, maybe they are OK, but do you want to take the chance that they’re not? Not me brother, I’d rather swallow arsenic-flavored-anti-freeze than feed that crap to my cats!

So there! Hrrumph! Take that.

I'm sick of this shit

I am SO sick of this shit.


Tainted vinegar suspected as 11 die in China/August 22, 2011/Courier Mail AU


Honey laundering: tainted and counterfeit Chinese honey floods into the U.S./August 18, 2011/the Grist

Asian Honey, Banned in Europe, Is Flooding U.S. Grocery Shelves/August 15, 2011/Food Safety News

Testing Finds Arsenic in Apple Juice/July 21, 2011/Food and Water Watch

Arsenic-Laced Apple Juice Flowing From China?/July 22,2011/Food Safety News

A Decade of Dangerous Food Imports from China/June 2011/Food and Water Watch

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Mollie Morrissette

Mollie Morrissette, the author of Poisoned Pets, is an animal food safety expert and consumer advisor. Help support her work by making a donation today.

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