The Pet Food Institute (PFI) doesn’t like how pet food is regulated. And they have a plan on how to fix it. “There’s only one answer, and it’s one federalized system,” (…) Read more

The Pet Food Institute (PFI) doesn’t like how pet food is regulated. And they have a plan on how to fix it. “There’s only one answer, and it’s one federalized system,” (…) Read more
USDA Certified Organic. Those three words represent the epitome of superb pet food. The certification means that the ingredients and processes are third-party audited, giving consumers confidence that what they (…) Read more
Valley Proteins, based in Winchester Virginia, one of the largest privately-owned rendering businesses in the United States – a company that processes slaughterhouse waste, rancid restaurant grease, and the occasional (…) Read more
The FDA made the historic announcement yesterday that they are withdrawing three of their most loathsome Compliance Policy Guides (CPGs), including the ones that allowed pet food manufacturers to use (…) Read more
While the horror of the Smucker’s debacle unfolds and the number of dog foods contaminated with sodium pentobarbital – a drug typically used to euthanize pets – grows, 20 years (…) Read more
Today, FDA released its final rule to implement the intentional adulteration provisions of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). But, wait. Don’t get too excited. You remember the largest (…) Read more
Poor Michael R. Taylor.
Alternatively known as the Food and Drug Administration’s “food safety czar” or the guy voted by Americans they would most like to see thrown out of a job, he’s got to have one of the most nerve-wracking jobs of all time. Can you imagine going to work every day knowing you are responsible for food safety in America?
I imagine poor Mike furiously gnawing his fingernails to a nub, plagued by fits of unexpected panic attacks, teetering dangerously close to a complete nervous breakdown were it not for a prescription for Xanax. Read more
I know what you’re thinking: Not another alarmist pet food report. Stop with those stories already. Can’t you just tell me what’s a good pet food to buy, Mollie? Oh, (…) Read more
What does “feed grade” mean? It’s not something most people think about when buying pet food. But probably the most important thing to know when choosing pet food is the (…) Read more
It’s impossibly frustrating to find that, after you’ve mustered up the courage to submit a comment on the proposed rule for animal food (that will eventually decide the fate of (…) Read more